SIBM Noida

International Speakers



International Speakers

In February, 2024, Symbiosis Institute of Business Management – Noida, extended a warm and enthusiastic welcome to distinguished Prof. Ivan Coste Manière, Director from Skema Business School, Lille, France. Prof. Ivan spoke to students about career options after an MBA, employability options, and life in general. The session provided the student with valuable insights as they navigate their academic and professional journeys. Dr Ivan Coste-Manière is the Programme Director of Luxury & Fashion Management​ at SKEMA Business School. His specialties are marketing, communication, and international luxury goods management. He works as a consultant for several well-known luxury brands. As a board member of MPM Partners Bank, he is in charge of trend-spotting. He has managed the R&D of several multinational groups, and founded several companies in cosmetics and perfumes, luxury goods, PR and Events, and pharmaceuticals. He has been a section member of the French Economic and Social Council, and deputy mayor for the city of Grasse for ten years.
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